Luke 19:10

For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

January 30 - 335 Days to Go

Snow Days! School was cancelled yesterday in anticipation of snow. The forecasters were right. We got a lovely 3-4 inches of snow. For Smyrna that's a lot! Banks and other shops closed early, Rob got home at 3. It's beautiful outside. This morning we are preparing to bundle up and build some snowmen.

God has moved this week, encouraging us with new supporters and sending two men our way to help us with the carpet and windows in our house. It's always good to see His hand in things and know He is still in control.

As we get cozy this weekend and think about His protection and grace we will also work on our french. So much to do to, it's our responsibility to be prepared for whatever He calls us to.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Living, He loved me
Dying, He saved me
Buried, He carried my sins far away
Rising, He justified freely forever
One day He’s coming
Oh glorious day, oh glorious day

Day 19 - 346 to Go
Beautiful Lyrics from Casting Crowns song Glorious Day. Sometimes we need a little perspective. These words gave me some today. Thank you Jesus for the life You've given me!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Day 18 - 347 to Go.

Yesterday I donated blood at church. I knew it was going to hurt, I spent the week going back and forth will I wont I. I had plenty of excuses why not. The deciding factor was when Ryan told me "Hey mom did you know the Red Cross is going to send blood to the people in Haiti". I just couldn't say no then. As I sat it the bus knowing what awaited I calmed myself saying someone's life will be saved by this act. It was the most painful time I've ever had giving blood. My arm swelled and is bruised and still sore today. That being said I will do it again. My pain will go away, someone will need that blood, maybe from a car accident, an injury during surgery, so many reasons I can't even imagine. An earthquake in Haiti. The need is literally an ocean wide.

It mirrors the need of the lost. I was one of them. Drifting, not following the WAY the Truth and the Life. What a difference Jesus has made in my life. I am positive when I should be skeptical, I am loving when I want to get even. Most importantly I am able to serve and love my Creator when I deserve to be squashed like a bug. His pain bought my freedom. His pain gave me life. How can I do anything but find ways to show His love to those around me? He is good all the time! So my little pain and ugly bruise will remind me today of His truth. We are called to love. Yesterday I loved with a needle.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Day 10 - 355 to Go.
Today turned into do something nice for someone hurting day. Poor little Phoebe who had her tonsils out on Tuesday is still not well. Hurt her tongue during surgery and is still unable to eat food, 5 days later. Amy called and suggested we bring her a card. So some construction paper cutting and a quick trip to the dollar tree for a balloon and we were off to brighten her day. It feels really good to do something nice for someone else. I'm going to try to remember how good it feels so I can do it again. Can't help but think that is the Jesus in us, feeling led to do something nice just to make another person feel good.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Day 6 - 359 to GO

Well the first snow day is here. Not actually here but on it's way. Just hoping that when the promised snow gets here it's enough to actually play in, not just watch melt away by mid-morning, I wonder if God ever feels that way about us. You know we promise a cleaner prettier version of ourselves and then he's left with a patchy mess. I'm tired of letting Him down. So instead of promising Him a brand new pretty life I'm going to give Him a girl who tries hard every day to be more like Him.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Day 5 - 360 to Go.
Back to work today. If I didn't like my job so much I'd be wishing for snow like so many other school employees. What a blessing it is to work with such a special group of people. A bad day with Stephanie is better than a good day anywhere else I've worked. Her dedication to children and teaching is amazing. I know God opened this job for me to prepare me to be a better teacher. So thankful for His will and movement in my life.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Day 4 - 361 to Go
It's Monday, the last day of Christmas break. My last Christmas "break". It's been a busy couple of weeks. Painting rooms re-arranging rooms. I'm tired just thinking about it! God continues to grant me a peace about letting things go. He is faithful all the time. Rosetta Stone is going well. I hope I wake up one morning and it all clicks, pretty sure that's not how it works though. I'm just going to keep moving in the direction He's leading. What a journey!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Day 2 - 363 to Go

It's a new year, time to clean out the old...
The thing about preparing to sell your house is you have to "de-clutter". I don't mind clutter, in fact I actually kind of like it, it makes me feel at home. But I'm not at home, not here on this terrestrial ball. My home awaits after this life so I don't need to be comfy here anyway. One big praise for today, we were able to get rid of our piano. Rob put it on craigslist this morning and by 2 it was in a truck driving away. The living room has a lot more space. Now I have some cleaning to get to. Thankful for the blessing of a simplified life in 2010.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Word for the Year

What a great idea! A friend posted a word and verse for the year, I'm using this idea to inspire me this year. (thanks Vic).

My word is FAITH and the verse is Romans 10:17 "So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ."

Day 1 - 364 To Go

January 1, 2010
Wow! 2010. I am so excited about the changing this year is going to bring. Rob's Mother's Day revelation about a calling to be a part of the church planting team in Belgium has put our family on quite a journey. The planned date of the move to Brussels is January 2011. Of course God's plan trumps any human plans but for the sake of this blog I am counting down until then. Today I am thankful for a new year and the promise that comes with it. Can't wait to see the way God will work in our lives this year. Hope you enjoy the ride with me.

"A love worth giving enables you to:Put others before yourself. Accept your part in His plan. Be quick to applaud the success of others" Max Lucado