This Friday we will say goodbye to a house that has brought us much joy and many happy memories. We welcomed the youngest member of our family in this house, started four new jobs and three new schools. As a family we made critical decisions in this house. The biggest decision being the one to follow God's calling us to move to Belgium to make Him famous in a place that is in need of experiencing His love. This move is another step in a two year process to be ready to go. It is exciting to know that He is opening doors, hearts and wallets to get us there. We are humbled by His grace and the love and support we have been shown by our vital group of cheerleaders! So while I am sad to leave this home we've loved I am stoked to be moving closer to Him and His perfect will for our lives.
Join us Friday at 6 as we bid goodbye to this house and bonjour to our new apartment. We look forward to celebrating this event with you!
Cynthi and the R's