Luke 19:10

For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.

Friday, December 31, 2010

December 31, 2010

"Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. "
Hebrews 11:1

This is my verse for 2011. I am reminded almost daily of the fact that my time and plans are just silly attempts at self importance. And I'm just not that important. Shocking I know. The fact is only God's timing and plan are worth serving, worth sacrificing for. His plan will not change, His timing is perfect. So that countdown on my Google homepage that says 15 hours and 11 minutes till Belgium well that would be a Cynthi timeline not a God one. In my rush to figure it all out, plan every last detail I forgot who I was actually going to Belgium for. To bring glory to my God. To make His name famous. He who called me is making a way for us, I can't always see that way but that's okay.

So that's where Hebrews 11:1 comes in. "...assurance about what we do not see." I have assurance that the God who I hope in has prepared this journey even before He spoke this earth into creation. He alone is in control. He alone deserves my hearts desire. It is the best place to be, trusting and following God even when I can't see the next step. I know He does so I will boldly and humbly follow His lead as a new year dawns.

I am excited about what God will do in 2011. I am ecstatic about how He will accomplish it and most of all I eagerly look forward to seeing who He will put in our lives to make this journey happen. Thank you Father for your love, mercy, faithfulness and protection. Most of all thank you for your Son, whose blood has made me free!

Friday, December 24, 2010

The "Real" St Nicholas Story.

Provided by a favorite tomato and cucumber. Bob and Larry gave us with a sweet morning conversation about God's generosity and our response to it. I will admit I teared up, hard not to with a sweet song playing in the background of little veggies sharing their gifts to help a family in need. If you are looking for a way to show the true spirit of the season with your children this is a great tool.
Enjoy and Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.

This weekend a dear family friend took her life. She leaves behind a loving husband, two children and grandchildren. To be sure she was dealing with depression and could not see through he cloudiness to the hope we have only in Jesus.

Lifting up this family this morning and searching for a way to help. The darkness of this world is real. Many seek to destroy our hope. Only One came to "seek and save" us, the lost. (Luke 19:10)
Praying for a real way to show His love to those around me. His light and His glory are our purpose. I want to be humble enough to be a useful vessel for Him.

Thank you God for your mercy. Thank you Jesus for many second chances. Shine through me today!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Merry Wherry Housing Christmas Party

Volunteering at Wherry has shown me a lot of great things. The most important thing is that we are always equipped to serve God when we obey His call. Serving alongside college and high school students is an amazing thing. Seeing their willingness to serve I believe is seeing the very heart of Jesus. The children respond in exciting ways to the love and encouragement they get here. I love being a part of a church body and community that actively seeks ways to bring glory to God. Thanks kids (big ones too) for reminding me of our purpose. Love you all!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Today God sends the first of our Belgium Family to Brussels. The Goens are leaving today. I am excited to see them go and pained a little too. Mostly I am proud of the change I've seen in the life of my family since God joined us with them and three other families on this amazing journey.

Praying for safe travels for them today. A quick apartment find in Brussels. a person of peace to guide them through the first few days and most importantly for glory to be brought to God and the name of His Son Jesus to be made famous. Go get 'em Goens and get ready Belgium! We love you!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Sunday November 28,2010

2 Corinthians 5:21
"For our sake he (God) made him (Jesus) to be sin who knew no sin, so that we might become the righteousness of God"

What else do we need to be thankful? He became the dirtiest,ugliest part of us (the part we can't even bear to look at). He who is perfect, blameless took on that so that we can be made right with God. Thankful doesn't seem to begin to describe what we should be. Crushed, broken, undone these are words that come to my mind. Holy God you did this so that I may know you, be in relationship with you. How does He deserve any less than all my worship, all the prise I have in me belongs to Him alone.
Jesus thank you for dying. Father thank you for your sacrifice. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of Your Story. I praise you today!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Monday 11/15/10

Exodus 1,2,3

3:10 "Come I will send you to Pharoah that you may bring my people, the children of Israel out of Egypt. But Moses said to God,'Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the children of Israel out of Egypt?'

Who Am I? A brave question to ask your maker when asked to do a job for him. Really Moses should be asking Who are YOU? And he should ask it quietly (even though God knows his thoughts) because that is the million dollar question. Who are you, God? When pondering this fact, the realization that He indeed is the Creator, the Savior and the Reigning King of it all. Trusting Him and who He is (The I Am) takes all the pressure off of Moses and me.

Thank you for holding me together, for knowing and loving me. For saving me.

I praise you, I praise you. You alone are God.

Please forgive my pride, jealousy and doubt.

Give me your Spirit to guide and convict me.

Live out your will in me to being glory to you.

Monday November 15

Okay, I'll admit it, this has been a tough 30 days. Discouragement is sneaking in, pride raises its nasty head and jealousy is scratching at my door. I'm up, then down. Fickle thy name is Cynthi.

BUT, and this is a huge but, I serve a God who can not be contained. I serve a God who with His words made light, the Heavens and breathed the stars into being. Psalm 33:6 This very God, seeking His own glory chose to save me out of the ugliness and shame of my condition. He is mighty and beautiful above ALL things. By Him all things were made and all things are held together through Him.

How can I doubt that He can get us to Belgium. That the God who controls the entire universe knows my feelings. Knows my needs, and the needs of the people of Belgium. He will save. His will is going to be done. So instead of pouting and worrying I choose to praise Him. I choose to patiently wait on God. I choose to submit to His will and His timing.

Now friends wait, pray and watch with me. God's going to do something big I just know it!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

100 Years of Reaching

LifePoint Church formerly First Baptist Church Smyrna celebrates 100 years today. What an amazing thing for a church to be just hitting it's stride at a century. From it's very inception, this church has been missionally minded. In 1909 a pastor of a small baptist church in Murfreesboro TN decided that a nearby town needed it's own church. Nine brave and obedient people headed to the call and moved to start a church. Fast forward to today and LifePoint church who underwent a name change to be relevant worldwide is reaching around the globe. Quite an accomplishment when you consider that 80 percent of churches are actually diminishing in size and growth. The key to this success? I believe it is that this church is running hard after God. His glory here and around the earth is a common desire of this body. We have been called to do things that are uncomfortable, and as a whole have accepted change with grateful hearts. I am proud to serve in a church where Jesus is our head and the body though not perfect is an example of Christ's love to the world we live in. Here's to another hundred years of making His name famous!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

This is what our church looked like this morning. After a full long weekend of training sessions we concluded with a new idea of church. Each person was responsible for bringing something to edify the body. It may be a verse, a song, a prayer even a word of encouragement. It was a beautiful experience. My contribution was Philippians 4:19
"And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus". The riches I was thankful for this morning were the people God has put in our lives during this process. The financial supporters, prayer warriors and spiritual leaders. Not in this picture? That's okay you are in the process with us and I am thankful for you too. For His Glory!

We May be the Only Jesus Some People Ever See

Here we are. Franklin,TN Marriott. It was our weekend long training with UpStream Collective. What an amazing time of encouragement and direction. I am so thankful for the oportunity to learn from people who have been on the field and learned the hard lessons. The bottom line I took from the weekend...because we are in Christ, we are on mission, the church is a natural outpouring of that.
This is Joe and Lily. Joe spent a good deal of his childhood years in Thailand. Lily spent much of hers in France. They are TCK's, in layman's terms that's third culture kids. Their parents are missionaries. Joe and Lily's unique childhoods make them perfectly equipped to do the job they do now. They work for MK2MK, an outreach of Campus Crusade for Christ. Its purpose is to serve missionary kids to keep them emotionally and spiritually healthy. Ryan got to spend the entire weekend with them and 7 other kids. It was an amazing experience for him, to know that it's not only ok but normal to feel sad, scared and all the other emotions that come along with moving to a whole new culture. How exciting we were to hear that our kids are not only excited to go but they feel called too. Spreading the name of God belongs to anyone who will follow Him.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

This is a group of children telling a bible story at Wherry Housing Children's Center. The kids and I have been volunteering at Wherry for almost a month. We have loved it! The children are amazing, culturally varied and all ages. I usually spend my time on homework help and friendship building. Ryan, Ruthie and Ross are loving the opportunity to make new friends. Last Thursday Ryan played bad mitten with two first grade Thai boys, Ruthie colored with a young Hispanic girl and Ross built a lego vehicle with several other friends. It is amazing to see the ways they reach out and I am encouraged that they are learning skills that will be so valuable in Belgium. Even I am constantly thinking about how I will be the one without the native tongue. It sure changes my perspective! I have a lot more understanding and I pray that there will be people in Brussels who also are compassionate towards me. God is great, the more I concentrate on serving Him the more I see what He has done for me. Praising Him for His love and mercy!
This past Wednesday we had the privilege of watching our friend Dan Christensen be ordained into ministry at LifePoint Church. Dan is on our Belgian Team and he and his wife Elizabeth will be headed to Brussels ahead of schedule by the end of this year. They have been faithfully and diligently working towards the goal of serving God in full time ministry. It is an honor to serve on a team with such amazing men and women. Everyday I am more aware of the importance of this call and more importantly the call on my life everyday. I owe my life to God now, that service doesn't start upon arrival in Belgium. Congratulations Dan, we are so proud of you!

Friday, August 6, 2010

An Afternoon Spent With Old Friends.

Vicki was my very best friend in high school. Her brother Josh was one of my brothers best friends. I love these two. Josh had a large tumor removed from his chest this past year. We prayed a lot for him and his wife Emily and their daughters. To see him healthy and happy was awesome! To see the way it brought him and Vicki close was beautiful. To hear of the way Josh used his circumstance to bring God glory was inspiring. In our weakness God shines. It was an afternoon of kids playing together, adults chatting and generally a fantastic time. To Josh and Emily thanks for hosting, to Vicki and Todd thanks for making the trip and to Daniel, Levi, Isabella and Sydney thanks for the entertainment!
Sunday August 1
Grace Community Church, Chico CA
Guest Speaker David Pardini - Missionary to Hong Kong 30 years
Acts 1:6-8 Obeying the Last Words of Jesus Hong Kong Style

-The Great Commission of Jesus is still being fulfilled.
-Most evangelism now is reaching the cities, all over the world people are moving to the cities.
-A man's life does not consist of the things he possesses but in knowing God.

" You shall be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the end of the earth"Acts 1:8b

Association of Baptists for World Evangelism
-84 countries
-Start Churches
-Establish mission sending movements

1982 - 2010
-32 churches now self supporting and sending missionaries out
-8 million people in Hong Kong 400,000 bible believing Christians, about 5%
-The Story of Hope, A publication of 20 Old Testament and 20 New
Testament stories aimed at teaching the bible to those who have never heard it before.
-Training God's servants to shepherd God's flock.
-Harmony Baptist Church
-50 to 60 people each week
-5 to 6 different ethnic groups

-Missions is no longer the sole effort of North America
-South Korea 12,000 workers sent out
-China now sending out mission workers

David used the story of the 5 loaves and 3 fish that Jesus used to feed the 5,000. This floored me because God has revealed this message to me on several occasions when I was feeling overwhelmed by the task of raising funds. The fact that Jesus used something they already had to solve the problem means that He can use what we already bring to make much of Him!

I love Grace Community Church. Whenever I visit Chico i love to go with my mom. They truly are a community church, loving the people around them and showing God's heart for the lost. Their involvement in Love Chico, an initiative to bring local churches together to serve the needs of the city is an awesome effort to show God's love and community to that area. It is indeed the very picture of the Church I'm sure Jesus meant us to be. Visit for information.

Sunday July 25th
St Andrew Presbyterian Church
Rev Chris Kersting - Luke 15:11-32
The Prodigal Son - We are Not the Older Brother
We are the younger son, God is always waiting with arms wide open to welcome us back. What a terrific perspective this morning. We have all been rebellious, selfish and disappointed our Heavenly Father but He's always ready to take us back and forgive us.

It was great to visit Anna's church and feel the love and sense of community that they share. I know this is a place that loves and supports my sister and her family and I am grateful for that. She loves and serves there with a cheerful heart. god has blessed her with a wonderful church family.

July 20 through August 3. Our great California Adventure. Possibly our last trip "home" before we follow God's will for us in Brussels. It was an amazing time of bonding with friends and family. The ways that God encouraged us through people who have walked in our lives since birth was amazing. I am most thankful for the support and love of the people who have known me in very selfish times and see the change that Jesus has made. My kids had a chance to experience life with cousins, lizards and horses. I am thankful for the way that God is equipping us and preparing us in ways we don't yet know. If we visited with you while in Chico, thanks for making an effort to spend time with us. We appreciate it!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Well it has been a little while, summer you know. :) This morning as I sip my iced coffee and nibble on toast I'm searching for truth in The Word. Of course I found it. "My food is to do the will of the One who sent me." John 4:34 Jesus knew that the physical body was fleeting and that our purpose is to do the will of God. As I let that soak in I find another treasure, "Others have labored and you have entered into their labor". John 4:38b. Whether in Brussels or right here in Tennessee, someone has come before me in this mission field. I am praising God this morning for the ones who have sacrificed and worked hard to dot he will of The One who sent us. What a humbling thing to know that we are joined with others in this harvest!

As I pack today to head with the kids to California I am excited to think about the friends and family who will join us in this journey. God is good and worthy of all our praise! It's our job to spread His fame to the very corners of the earth. How's your corner?

Monday, June 21, 2010

June 21 Happy First Day of Summer!

I can't say that I'm thrilled about the near hundred degree temperature or the humidity we endure in the South. I can say I love summer time. The fireflies, days in the pool, salads and fruit for any meal, s'mores,kids finding bugs and treasures in the yard, and did I mention the pool?! Yes ours is finally clear, it's a beautiful thing. I love to float around on my pink mat listening to Way FM and daydream. Mostly I think about chores that I put off or hey that cloud looks like a....anyway it's great to have a chance to just peacefully reflect on simple things, Like how much I love my family and how much more God loves us. Yeah summer's pretty great and I'm happy to see it come around again. Happy Summer, make this your best one yet! Oh and if your free sometime come by and float a while.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Adventure Week

Friday June 18 - 196 Days to Go!

Today wrapped up Adventure Week, aka VBS at LifePoint Church. It was a week of total fun and more blessings than I can possibly count. We learned about five Heroes in the bible whose names we never even learned. Jarius's Servant Girl, The Boy With the Fish and Bread, Paul's Nephew just to name a few. They did incredibly heroic things. By their stories we learned that we can be heroes too. There were five main points:
1. Heroes do the unexpected
2.Heroes take action
3.Heroes step out on faith
4.Heroes save the day
5.Heroes step out on Truth
Our bible verse for the week was 1Timothy 4:12 " Do not let anyone look down on you because you are young, be an example to all believers in speech,in life,in love,in faith and in purity."

What an awesome lesson to kids, anyone can be a hero and anyone can set an example with their lives. A girl in my group accepted Christ. more than 40 came forward to accept salvation. We raised over $3,000 for Haiti relief in our daily offering. Our goal was $2,000!

I loved every minute of the time spent with my crew, they were a terrific group of 10 fifth and sixth graders. I hope that God can use us in this way in Brussels. It makes my heart sad to think there are kids who don't even have the opportunity to learn about God in a fun, encouraging environment. Can't help but think He's preparing me to use this gift He's entrusted to me.

I will finish with this, Rob took this week off not knowing it was Adventure Week. He ended up serving as a crew leader and though he's tired tonight he enjoyed it tremendously. Anyone can serve, even out of your comfort or interest zone. God blesses that kind of faithful service. So find your opportunity and go for it, Be A Hero!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Saturday June 12 - 202 days left.

So originally this started as a countdown to Belgium, silly me like I can put a timetable on God's will. In the last 163 days I've learned that I don't control very much at all. My job isn't to be in control, it's to be faithful and obedient. I wont lie it's a challenge everyday. Most of the time I want to do what "feels" right to me. God knows what's best for me and His plan is always better. Jeremiah 29:11. Trusting that each and everyday as I take on step closer to where He's leading. What a journey it's already been!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

June 9. The house was shown today. The crazy thing is Rob and I were just talking at lunch about all the things God has done. Really we were saying how He always just wants us to give up our "control" and then He shows us what he can do. We both encouraged each other that it was worth the wait however long it is. Rob hadn't been gone 10 minutes when I got the call that they wanted to show the house at 4:15. I can't say I'm surprised but I am amazed at the wonders of God's timing. Never underestimate what God can do! I'm just waiting to see what He does next. :)

Monday, June 7, 2010

June 7 - I don't know how many days to go!
Wow, I thought summer vacation would bring calm. I was wrong. The house is as ready to be on the market as I can seem to get it. The advice of the stager was good and the things I did have made a big difference. I am happy with the results. Now we wait for the buyer that God has planned to buy it. :)

Yesterday LifePoint Church commissioned Team Bangkok. What an amazing experience! As we lifted them up in prayer it occurred to me that Team Belgium will be up there soon. I am so excited about that! God continues to grow my love and passion for people who are lost. I am so thrilled to see the change in me, it feels so good to focus on Him!

We continue to trust Him for the financial load which is huge and continue to see Him moving in the hearts of very generous people who give to support us in following God's will. When you trust and know that God's in control it's really something cool to see how He does it!

Happy Monday, spread a little love today.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

The things I will miss. There aren't a lot of "things" that are hard to let go. I'm amazed at the stuff I've already thrown away, donated and sent to other homes. My hydrangea will be missed. I hope and pray that whoever buys this house will find her as beautiful as I do. The huge oak tree in the front yard that provides a home to a family of squirrels, many birds and gives shade to almost the entire front yard. I will miss. What makes this less painful is the knowledge that God created me, He knows I love these things. I trust that where He leads me there will be new things to love. After all He created everything so I imagine He's got some things up His sleeve that I haven't even dreamed of yet!
How amazing is God?! I had to stop and take a minute to remind myself of the many ways God is working in my life. VBS is coming up in a couple of weeks and I am so excited that Rob just happened to take the week off AND decided to be a crew leader! I am so excited that he will get to share in the fun and excitement of kids lives being changed forever! The house is officially ready to be shown, whew! It has been a lot of work to get every little thing done but I am thrilled with the end result. now to wait and see who God has planned to be the next owner of 208 Lexington Drive. The visit with mom this past week was wonderful, I love spending time with her and the kids enjoy her being here too. We even got to spend an afternoon together at Old Time Pottery.

This morning I was reading Luke Chapter 19:11-27. The parable of the Ten Minas. I am reminded that God has entrusted each of us with talents and we are called to use those for His glory and kingdom in order to advance His cause. Praying for guidance today in how to best serve Him. Thankful for the strengths He's given me.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Tuesday May 25th

Since my 38th birthday, 12 days ago much has happened. I broke my toe, man does it hurt but I'm stubborn and can't let it slow me down. We put our house on the market last Thursday. So glad we stayed with Dan Alcorn, he will help us anyway he can, even payed to have a stager come and give me some great advice. I love that he finished our meeting with a prayer which he agreed that God is in control. School ended for our pre-school class on Friday so Stephanie and I are using this week to get the room packed up,organized and ready for next year. It's exciting and sad to know that I may not even be with the class through Christmas.

The International Mission Boards decision or rather indecision to get involved has left an enormous financial burden on us it would seem. Knowing that God has called us to serve Him in Belgium gives me peace knowing He will make a way. I am excited to see how He will do it and who He will use. I continue to be humbled and grateful for this opportunity to serve Him.

A final stage in the house preparation is purging. All the little personal knick knacks and things that have made this house uniquely ours have to go. It is a revelation to me every time I have the urge to hold onto something I have to remind myself that it is just stuff and the sacrifice of giving up the stuff is going to grow the kingdom of heaven. After all am I wanting to grow my "stuff" or help grow the Glory of God? Pretty obvious choice huh?!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Closing Thoughts on Belgium

Elizabeth K. shared an interesting Bible fact with us. Psalm 23 which for us reads "the valley of the shadow of death" in French is " valley of obscurity".

Micah 6:8 in French reads " I sit in obscurity (darkness) the Lord will be my light". People in Belgium are sitting in darkness, it is oppressive, painful and depressing. They do not yet have a name for the light that is seeking them out. We are called on to share that name, the name we know that saves. No other name but Jesus can call the dead to life, can save us from our lostness. I will praise Him in the struggles, in the battles of following His will because He is my redeemer and He deserves the praise that we all have to give.

For His Glory!

Final Day in Belgium

Friday March 26

Today we rode the train to Namur. John and Elizabeth met us and showed us around this wonderful city. Much smaller than Brussels and completely French speaking. We walked around this city, enjoying the beautiful sights, friendly smiling people and time with each other. I love this group of people and am thankful to God for bringing us together. Only our Creator would fit so perfectly such a group of people. As we enjoyed the sights of Namur we ventured into a large Catholic church. It was beautiful but cold, not just physically cold. Paintings, Statues, Ornately Decorated Confessionals. Amazing things, but no people. No real sign of the Hope and Love that only Jesus brings. I was broken by the emptiness, by the pain that must be felt by seeking forgiveness of sins by a man, not the God of the universe who took on flesh to die for our sins so that we could come to Him and Him alone. It was a moment of true calling for me. The longing for people to come to know Him, it's growing and I don't want it to stop.
Thursday March 25
Availability trumps Ability.
Acts 6:4 (Evan's word fort he day) "but we will devote ourselves to prayer and the ministry of the word"

As I am getting excited about the move here and the ministry we will have among the lost I have become concerned about the fund-raising. This morning on the train I read Luke 9:10-17. Jesus feeds 5,000. I know that my God is the God who owns all the money in this world. Raising funds is not a worry for Him, He knows where it's going to come from. It's only up to me to ask. This has been a big encouragement to me today.

My prayer today is that God would plant in our hearts His will to see people come to know Him.
Wednesday March 24
Up early to catch the metro and then a train to Brain L'Alleud for a meeting with Jerry and Jim.
"The soil here is open but not without difficulties. It's not the people mostly but the enemy." Jim

"Be piercing about what you want to accomplish" Jerry

Our meeting took place at a large McDonald's with a children's play area. A small girl named Naomi wanted to play with Peyton and Evan. It was so much fun to watch them interact, even without the language to help.

I am so excite about the way God is moving in us during this trip. The people He's lead us to, the encouragement that comes with a smile, nod or kind word. I am continually praying for God to show people of favor to help us in this journey here.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Monday May 3.
I'm taking a short break from the Belgium Visit posts to update an urgent situation. Saturday and Sunday Nashville received more than 15 inches of rain. All of Middle Tennessee has been affected. Schools are closed, roads are impassible, drinking water is becoming scarce. Join me in praying for the people who have lost homes and more importantly loved ones to this disaster. Praying God's comfort and peace to those in need and guidance to those who would help and sacrifice for others. Thanks for your time and prayers.
For His Glory!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Tuesday March 23 - Early morning today. We are on our way to Waterloo to meet with leadership at the Christian Center. What an amazing meeting! We were met by two vans at the train station. Our driver was a man named Bobby who had recently moved to Belgium from Jackson,MS. He was from and Assembly of God church in MS. His message of life change and God's movement in his life was inspiring. Over lunch, a sweet potluck put together by Pastor Richard's wife Sherry, we were able to pick the minds of some staff members. Tristan, a native Belgian was very happy to hear that we felt called to reach the native french speaking Belgians. He went on to explain that there is not access to books, web sites and services in French. Most of the ministries including that of the Christian Center are focused on immigrants. The point that seemed to ring true with all the staff members was this "It doesn't matter what we bring. In our weakness God shines". Amazing the truth in that! After lunch we met for a quick time of sharing and prayer, I can not put to words what this time meant. It was so encouraging.

We hopped back on the train to Gare Central and rode the metro to Alma where we prayer walked through a university. We then rode to Stokkel. I loved this community, turns out it was Rob's favorite too. The grocery store actually had cheddar cheese, and coco crispies. So Ruthie will be ok. :)

We finished the day with a metro ride back to Gare Central and dinner at Exki - I love this place! Tonight I had carrot cilantro soup, and a huge piece of cheesecake. Yum! It's a late night and tomorrow we start early . Bon Nuit!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Monday March 22. After a quick metro ride to Gare Central and breakfast at Ibis, we are off to the Metro to meet John K at Gribaumont to prayer walk through this commune. We met Terry W there and were encouraged by his kind words. We walked through the neighborhood, stopped at a Del Haze, a grocery store that is owned by the same company that owns Food Lion. Needless to say things are much more expensive there! We walked through a park, beautiful park, saw a few people walking their dogs, even a couple of grandfathers walking babies. Because the cost of living is so high grandparents often care for young children while both parents work. It was definitely a place I could see us living as a family. Our prayer walk was followed by a trip to the bank to exchange our money and a lunch at eOleo, a wonderful little neighborhood Italian resaurante. After lunch we took a tram to the metro and rode to st Lambrechts. this is where the City Gates are. What a sight! There we met Chris K. He joined John to show us around and give some great tips. He and his wife Christine were so helpful and friendly. God has placed some amazing people in that city! At this stop we prayed outside the largest Mosque in Belgium, and also at the EU building. This exciting day was finished off with dinner, a waffle and a walk through the Grand Place at night. What a beautiful day, God is moving in this place!
Sunday Morning March 21. Fresh off the plane we head to the hotel to check in put our things up and get our day started. One train, metro ride and short walk later we are told that we can't check in until 12. It's 10:30, we are hungry and tired. After an unsuccessful attempt to put our luggage in too small lockers, the hotel staff kindly lets us lock our things in the office. Thank you Hotel Ibis! Now it's too late to get breakfast so we grab a quick bite at the Gare Central Station. My first taste of a Belgian waffle. Even now, almost three weeks later I can still remember that taste, and smell! One metro and bus ride later we arrive at the Vineyard Brussels. This is an amazing church with a terrific outreach to the immigrant population of Brussels. The music and worship were so heartfelt. To prove that God knew just what we needed, Tony Anthony of Avanti Ministry led an inspirational message of evangelism. His message was that evangelism ought to be our Supreme Priority. Our purpose is to love and glorify God. It felt so good to be sitting right there in the presence of God, in the will of God and be encouraged by Him.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Saturday March 20th 1:00pm.
We're on an earlier flight to Newark, this will give us better time to make the connecting flight to Brussels. It also made the drop off process quick and hopefully less painful for Rob and the kids. I am so excited to see what God has planned for this week! Thanking Him for the safe travel, for going before us. Praising Him for His plan for us is perfect, always!

The following is a verse from a dear friend who asked to pray for me in this journey. I love the relevance of it's words.
Isaiah 62:10
Go through, go through the gates:
prepare the way for the people;
build up, build up the highway;
clear it of stones;
lift up a signal over the peoples.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

I got a tattoo today. I have wanted one since I was probably 20 years old. First I was too chicken, then had lots of other things to spend money on, then didn't know what to get. Thank goodness I didn't get one before now. I would have a tattoo that said Tony, or Van Halen or more recently the Titans logo. Not a forever statement I would want to make. No the tattoo I got is a Jesus fish. Simple, clean a fish. Jesus said we were to be "fishers of men" Matthew 4:19. I'm going fishin'

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Day 62 - 303 Days to Go

I have a house FULL of sick kids. Actually now sick but recovering kids. It's strep and it's given me two sick days at home. That has meant scouring bathrooms and kitchen, washing bedding and about ten loads of laundry. I've also managed to paint the living room walls and trim. Honestly I'm starting to stress a little over having the house ready in April. Only 3 and a half weeks away. One of those weeks I will be in Belgium.

Things are really moving fast. Last Wednesday night we met at the church with a group from the UpStream Collective. What an amazing time of information and encouragement from men who have been where we are going. But it left me with many more questions. Should the kids go to a Brussels public school? When will I get a job? Where will I work? Questions , questions. Then as I was rehearsing lines for Sunday's Soul Station the main point sunk in. "I should trust God to provide for my needs when I obey Him!"

It's easy to get caught up in all the details. I have to choose to remind myself that God is in control of all of this, I just have to obey. Whew! That is a relief for a mom who is frazzled and suffering from the delusion that I have to figure everything out. God's got it. Trust. Obey.

Thank you Father for Your great plan. Thanks for the work You are doing in our lives.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Day 40 - 345 Days to Go!

Wow, I've slacked a bit here. But believe me I've been busy. Home today with a sick 5 year old so I have a minute to do some catch up. The parakeets found a new home last week thanks to a visit from "Ms Ford" Ruthie's teacher who got married and moved to SC last fall. Happy they have a great new home. God has been good to help us find our furry and feathered family members new families. We've met with a carpet guy and a window guy as we prepare the house for the market. Still planning on the first of April for that. Rob sold the remaining tickets and that was a big relief! That will help pay for the carpet and windows. :) I continue to be encouraged by God's working in our lives. What a great place to be, walking in His will. He has a plan for everyone.

"With the heart one believes and is justified with the mouth one confesses and is saved"
Romans 10:10

Saturday, January 30, 2010

January 30 - 335 Days to Go

Snow Days! School was cancelled yesterday in anticipation of snow. The forecasters were right. We got a lovely 3-4 inches of snow. For Smyrna that's a lot! Banks and other shops closed early, Rob got home at 3. It's beautiful outside. This morning we are preparing to bundle up and build some snowmen.

God has moved this week, encouraging us with new supporters and sending two men our way to help us with the carpet and windows in our house. It's always good to see His hand in things and know He is still in control.

As we get cozy this weekend and think about His protection and grace we will also work on our french. So much to do to, it's our responsibility to be prepared for whatever He calls us to.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Living, He loved me
Dying, He saved me
Buried, He carried my sins far away
Rising, He justified freely forever
One day He’s coming
Oh glorious day, oh glorious day

Day 19 - 346 to Go
Beautiful Lyrics from Casting Crowns song Glorious Day. Sometimes we need a little perspective. These words gave me some today. Thank you Jesus for the life You've given me!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Day 18 - 347 to Go.

Yesterday I donated blood at church. I knew it was going to hurt, I spent the week going back and forth will I wont I. I had plenty of excuses why not. The deciding factor was when Ryan told me "Hey mom did you know the Red Cross is going to send blood to the people in Haiti". I just couldn't say no then. As I sat it the bus knowing what awaited I calmed myself saying someone's life will be saved by this act. It was the most painful time I've ever had giving blood. My arm swelled and is bruised and still sore today. That being said I will do it again. My pain will go away, someone will need that blood, maybe from a car accident, an injury during surgery, so many reasons I can't even imagine. An earthquake in Haiti. The need is literally an ocean wide.

It mirrors the need of the lost. I was one of them. Drifting, not following the WAY the Truth and the Life. What a difference Jesus has made in my life. I am positive when I should be skeptical, I am loving when I want to get even. Most importantly I am able to serve and love my Creator when I deserve to be squashed like a bug. His pain bought my freedom. His pain gave me life. How can I do anything but find ways to show His love to those around me? He is good all the time! So my little pain and ugly bruise will remind me today of His truth. We are called to love. Yesterday I loved with a needle.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Day 10 - 355 to Go.
Today turned into do something nice for someone hurting day. Poor little Phoebe who had her tonsils out on Tuesday is still not well. Hurt her tongue during surgery and is still unable to eat food, 5 days later. Amy called and suggested we bring her a card. So some construction paper cutting and a quick trip to the dollar tree for a balloon and we were off to brighten her day. It feels really good to do something nice for someone else. I'm going to try to remember how good it feels so I can do it again. Can't help but think that is the Jesus in us, feeling led to do something nice just to make another person feel good.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Day 6 - 359 to GO

Well the first snow day is here. Not actually here but on it's way. Just hoping that when the promised snow gets here it's enough to actually play in, not just watch melt away by mid-morning, I wonder if God ever feels that way about us. You know we promise a cleaner prettier version of ourselves and then he's left with a patchy mess. I'm tired of letting Him down. So instead of promising Him a brand new pretty life I'm going to give Him a girl who tries hard every day to be more like Him.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Day 5 - 360 to Go.
Back to work today. If I didn't like my job so much I'd be wishing for snow like so many other school employees. What a blessing it is to work with such a special group of people. A bad day with Stephanie is better than a good day anywhere else I've worked. Her dedication to children and teaching is amazing. I know God opened this job for me to prepare me to be a better teacher. So thankful for His will and movement in my life.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Day 4 - 361 to Go
It's Monday, the last day of Christmas break. My last Christmas "break". It's been a busy couple of weeks. Painting rooms re-arranging rooms. I'm tired just thinking about it! God continues to grant me a peace about letting things go. He is faithful all the time. Rosetta Stone is going well. I hope I wake up one morning and it all clicks, pretty sure that's not how it works though. I'm just going to keep moving in the direction He's leading. What a journey!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Day 2 - 363 to Go

It's a new year, time to clean out the old...
The thing about preparing to sell your house is you have to "de-clutter". I don't mind clutter, in fact I actually kind of like it, it makes me feel at home. But I'm not at home, not here on this terrestrial ball. My home awaits after this life so I don't need to be comfy here anyway. One big praise for today, we were able to get rid of our piano. Rob put it on craigslist this morning and by 2 it was in a truck driving away. The living room has a lot more space. Now I have some cleaning to get to. Thankful for the blessing of a simplified life in 2010.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Word for the Year

What a great idea! A friend posted a word and verse for the year, I'm using this idea to inspire me this year. (thanks Vic).

My word is FAITH and the verse is Romans 10:17 "So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ."

Day 1 - 364 To Go

January 1, 2010
Wow! 2010. I am so excited about the changing this year is going to bring. Rob's Mother's Day revelation about a calling to be a part of the church planting team in Belgium has put our family on quite a journey. The planned date of the move to Brussels is January 2011. Of course God's plan trumps any human plans but for the sake of this blog I am counting down until then. Today I am thankful for a new year and the promise that comes with it. Can't wait to see the way God will work in our lives this year. Hope you enjoy the ride with me.

"A love worth giving enables you to:Put others before yourself. Accept your part in His plan. Be quick to applaud the success of others" Max Lucado