Friday June 18 - 196 Days to Go!
Today wrapped up Adventure Week, aka VBS at LifePoint Church. It was a week of total fun and more blessings than I can possibly count. We learned about five Heroes in the bible whose names we never even learned. Jarius's Servant Girl, The Boy With the Fish and Bread, Paul's Nephew just to name a few. They did incredibly heroic things. By their stories we learned that we can be heroes too. There were five main points:
1. Heroes do the unexpected
2.Heroes take action
3.Heroes step out on faith
4.Heroes save the day
5.Heroes step out on Truth
Our bible verse for the week was 1Timothy 4:12 " Do not let anyone look down on you because you are young, be an example to all believers in speech,in life,in love,in faith and in purity."
What an awesome lesson to kids, anyone can be a hero and anyone can set an example with their lives. A girl in my group accepted Christ. more than 40 came forward to accept salvation. We raised over $3,000 for Haiti relief in our daily offering. Our goal was $2,000!
I loved every minute of the time spent with my crew, they were a terrific group of 10 fifth and sixth graders. I hope that God can use us in this way in Brussels. It makes my heart sad to think there are kids who don't even have the opportunity to learn about God in a fun, encouraging environment. Can't help but think He's preparing me to use this gift He's entrusted to me.
I will finish with this, Rob took this week off not knowing it was Adventure Week. He ended up serving as a crew leader and though he's tired tonight he enjoyed it tremendously. Anyone can serve, even out of your comfort or interest zone. God blesses that kind of faithful service. So find your opportunity and go for it, Be A Hero!
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