Luke 19:10

For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Wednesday December 28

"Be still and know that I am God" Psalm 46:10. A great verse, it calls us to be quiet, reflective, still. But it's the second part of that verse that really hits me..."I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth" Did you catch the "wills"? He is going to be exalted regardless of what we do. But He is inviting us to witness it. Be still and Know. It's like He's sitting us down looking into our eyes and saying "Pay attention! I don't want you to miss this!"

I must confess that much of this past year I have been in such a hurry trying to make everything work out that I haven't taken much time to be still. I don't believe in New Years resolutions but I am committing to spending more real quiet time with God. Reflecting on the amazing things He's doing and just how amazing He is. I don't want to miss out anymore on His greatness.

I am trusting that 2012 is going to be a year filled with the miracles that come only from knowing and seeking God.


Sunday, December 25, 2011

Celebrating THE Baby who came to give life everlasting!
On the day of Jesus's birth we remember a Savior who came to earth, took on flesh, walked the ground, loved all people and died. But it didn't end there. Three days later He rose, victorious over death He paid the price for our sins. What an amazing, completely unexpected way to save the lost. I am grateful for the life that I am living because He came. Tonight I am humbled by the gift that I have received. I am prayerful for those who have not yet received that gift. "For the Son of Man came to seek and save the lost" Luke 19:10. Thank you Jesus. Name above all names!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

On the most thankful day of the year i am reflecting, as most people are, on the many things I have to be thankful for. Besides the obvious health, job, home, family and friends, there is something that I am eternally grateful for. I know my Savior. My Creator. My God. This being, the Great I AM, I know Him. Tonight rather than be filled with thanks I am struck by a grief that I do not treat Him like the King He is. I choose when I will talk to, and spend time with Him. What amazing closeness am I missing out on because I am not available? In my thankfulness I am committing myself to be open, humbled and just ready for a deeper relationship with the God who created, loved and saved me.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

This is part of the "cast" of 13 Very Cool Stories. A fourteen week Wednesday night class Rob and I lead. We averaged about 16-23 kids a week. Tonight's cold dreary weather kept most of them away from the party. It was none the less a great night. The best part? We created this chart remembering mostly from just our own memory all 13 stories. Even though it has at times been loud wild and totally out of control they managed to store up some biblical truths in their own way. This got me thinking. I have been asked, even pressured lately why go to Belgium? You are needed here. Tonight it came to me. Working in pre-k environment is an amazing way to influence a child's early start to learning. Their love for knowledge is a life long building block. Lifelong. But I want to do something that affects eternity. Jesus is the only thing that will change a person's destiny, forever. And the only way I can accomplish that it to do exactly what God leads me to do. For our family He has lead us to Brussels. So we will forge on, answering the daily question of "When are you leaving?" with a smile and a "God's leading the way, He knows the date". And that is the truth. He knows the date and He's leading the way. I can rest in the assurance that He will finish the work He has begun.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

This is Katie. She is my friend, my co-worker and truly one of my greatest encouragers. You know that friend that can just see you need a hug, a silly word, a cry. Yep that's Katie. She has taught me a lot about giving generously of yourself to make other peoples lives a little nicer. She has been a great friend to me. She will be a hard person to say goodbye to when the time for the BIG move comes. But I will take a little of Katie with me. The spirit of kindness, putting others first and giving of myself without expecting something in return. What a great thing to carry with me as we head to a place with not a lot of Jesus. He indeed showed us how to give without expecting in return, to love when not being loved back. I do love the example of giving our all for a God who gave His all for us.
Thank you God for Katie, for the example she has been to me.
Thank you Katie for being you, you are the very image of God!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Remembering Steve Jobs

There is no doubt that Steve Jobs changed the world. The many technological things that were birthed out of his creative mind are astounding. ASTOUNDING! I can't help but be very sad today when I think about his death. Steve was a Buddhist.

There is also no doubt that I do not have the technological mind of a genius. I will probably never create anything that will later be used by millions of people around the world. I do however have the best news ever. I can and will share this news with anyone who will ask and listen. What's the news? Jesus Christ, the Son of God came to earth, lived a perfect life, died on a cross (for mine and your sins) and rose again. With belief in Him, I AND you can live forever with God. WOW!

So I am making it my goal to make this known. I don't care if I am remembered for the things I have created but I want to be remembered in eternity for the people I brought the good news to. Now that is a legacy!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

A Big Week

Rob is now in Brussels. He will be there for six days. In that time he will have two interviews, almost a dozen meetings and countless moments to be open to God's leading. We are praying, seeking and generally relying on God to do the big things only He can. I am so proud of the man my husband is becoming. For the leader he is to our family.

Saying "yes" to this calling was probably the only easy thing. The everyday details of fundraising, purging stuff, moving and living a busy life while also trying to serve a deserving God has been draining. At times it has taken it's toll. But this week is special. I know God is orchestrating something beautifully complicated and yet simple. Only in His divine wisdom does this plan come together. Please join us this week in praying that His will would be clear and that we would be brave to stay on mission.

We are encouraged by the things God has already done and are waiting on Him to do another big thing. "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" Philippians 4:13 That is my prayer for Rob this week that he would be strong and purposeful in the tasks that God sets before him. Thank you for your prayers. We appreciate you!
Cynthi (Bear)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Sending Church Round Table

What an amazing thing to see pastors, mission pastors and church leaders come together to discuss sending people out from their churches. There were many states and denominations represented. There was a lot of earnest discussion between leaders seeking God's direction and encouraging each other with stories of successes and short comings. What an inspiring thing to see leaders come together and be humble and honest with each other. As a part of a team preparing to be sent it was beyond encouraging to be a "fly on the wall". As we served drinks, cleaned away trash and mingled, it was clear that everyone there was part of a bigger plan. A God sized plan for the vision of a Church body, one with many parts, that was together seeking His direction. I am blown away. I am beyond excited to see what will come of this meeting. I am sure that the Kingdom will feel the affects. I am grateful to the UpStream Collective for their fostering an environment of learning and encouragement. I am eternally grateful for a home church, a Sending Church, that is led by a pastor who believes that missions isn't just a part of our church, it is in fact part of the DNA of our church.

Are you sent? Or are you sending? If you aren't either I would encourage you to find your place, your role in this life. After all it's our purpose to bring glory to God. What better way than to lead people to know and worship Him!
For his Glory,

Sunday, September 4, 2011

The Little BIG Move


There's a reason it's called downsizing. We went from a 65 inch tv to a 27 inch one. A king size bed to a full. Yes it's crazy, yes it goes against the "American Dream". But as it turns out, selling out for God has been well worth any sacrifice we thought we were getting into.

The beautiful pool that we had all to ourselves but had to clean, to the beautiful pool we get to share with neighbors and don't have to clean.

Every sacrifice is met with a bigger and better blessing. They just don't come in monetary and "stuff" form. They come in relationships, freedom from all the possessions we worked for before and a lot less time spent cleaning. That might be my favorite part!

We are blessed, this calling has truly freed us from the rat race we were running. You might recognize it, working to buy things, to work more to buy things. Ultimately it is a game that never ends and no one wins. Now instead of working to buy the next big thing we are working towards something.
Please trust me when I say we are not better than anyone else. We still make mistakes, act selfishly and basically blow it. But the difference is now we repent, we seek God to be our strength to help us do better. We are making ourselves available to be used for His will and not our own. So thank you for your prayers and support. Keep them coming. We need them as we prepare for the BIG move to come!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

This Friday we will say goodbye to a house that has brought us much joy and many happy memories. We welcomed the youngest member of our family in this house, started four new jobs and three new schools. As a family we made critical decisions in this house. The biggest decision being the one to follow God's calling us to move to Belgium to make Him famous in a place that is in need of experiencing His love. This move is another step in a two year process to be ready to go. It is exciting to know that He is opening doors, hearts and wallets to get us there. We are humbled by His grace and the love and support we have been shown by our vital group of cheerleaders! So while I am sad to leave this home we've loved I am stoked to be moving closer to Him and His perfect will for our lives.

Join us Friday at 6 as we bid goodbye to this house and bonjour to our new apartment. We look forward to celebrating this event with you!
Cynthi and the R's

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Tonight is a rare night tempered with excitement and anxiety. Rob had his first ever interview with a Belgian company this morning. It was with Operation Mobilization, an agency that helps mobilize missionaries. The interview went great, Rob was totally comfortable and in his element. Turns out the positions for OM are volunteer positions and they also can not provide any assistance with visas and other entering the country needs. So we aren't totally back to square one, Rob would love to work part time for this organization if we are able to go totally funded.

As of now we are moving ahead with plans to move into the apartment here in Smyrna on August 12. We will sign a six month lease and Rob will continue to search for the job God has for him. We are still waiting to hear back from NATO on a few positions he applied for there. We trust that God has a perfect plan and we seek to do His will above all else. So for now we are continuing on the journey!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Tonight we put a deposit down on our three bedroom, 1,200 square foot apartment. We will be moving from an almost 2,000 square foot house. I am excited about the experience this will give us as a family living in close quarters. Sure we've spent time on vacation in a hotel but that's not the same as living in limited space. I am relying on God to be our source of strength and inspiration. In this process we have learned the importance of being willing to share God at any time, anywhere. The amazing things He accomplishes have blown us away! He is good all the time and serving Him is the single greatest purpose of my life.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Belgium Bound
the Law Family Newsletter

June 2011

Prayer Requests

*We would always seek Gods will first

*Against discouragement

*Job for Rob in Brussels

* Financial Support

*Praise! God has brought us renters for the house! People we know and trust. We move out in August!
*Robs relationship with N, a Belgian citizen who is helping with tips and vital information about life in Brussels.

For Financial Partnership

Please make checks payable to LifePoint Church and send to:

LifePoint Church

506 Legacy Drive, Smyrna TN 37167

*Please do not write the missionary's name on the check. Put the name on a sticky note on the check*

We are Currently at 40 % of our first years budget. Thank you for your faithfulness!

God has placed you in our lives as great encourager's and we are where we are because of you.

There is no Plan B...
Almost eight years ago this picture was taken of Rob and I with my brother Beau. We had just finished unloading this truck full of stuff into our new house on 208 Lexington Drive. We have lived a lot of life in this house, lots of laughter and tears, Ross was born and all three of our kids came to a new life in Christ. If things continue to go the way they are, we will be leaving this house and headed to a two bedroom apartment NEXT month! Just this week we have had an offer to rent our house to people we know and trust. That same day Rob met a bank superior for lunch. They are excited about our opportunity and want to partner with us! The very next day as we were driving to a local apartment to meet with the agent Rob got a call from a fellow manager, she wanted to pass along the name of a customer of hers who owns a convenience store in Murfreesboro who is, get this Belgian! When God works He really works! In just a days time our journey went from someday to almost now. His timing is perfect!
Belgium Bits
The national flag of Belgium was adopted on January 23, 1831 after the Belgians gained their independence from the Netherlands in 1830. The national flag of Belgium was designed to signify Belgium's recognition as an independent country. The flag of Belgium bears three equal vertical stripes. The hoist side stripe of the national flag of Belgium is black in color. Other stripes color of the Belgium flag are yellow, and red. Black, gold and red colors of the flag are symbolic of the country's coat of arms. The black color represents the shield; gold stands for the lion, and red interprets the lion's claws and tongue.

We are called to stand at the gates and make Him known. That He would be famous throughout the earth. We are striving to the day He moves us to Brussels but we are standing at the gate right here in Smyrna until that day comes.
For the Kingdom,
Rob, Cynthi, Ryan, Ruthie and Ross

To learn more visit our blogs:

    Wednesday, June 22, 2011

    As today was shaping up to be a rainy, housecleaning downright boring kind of day, Boom! God swept in and blasted us with the Sonshine that can only come from Him. I wont totally admit that we've been discouraged lately but it wouldn't be a lie to say we were well, questioning. The timing of this journey, you know us being willing to sell everything and go and then waiting. And waiting, and waiting. Well I will admit some days it got the best of me. I look around, see people going through day to day stuff and felt a little jealous. What if my life were normal again. It would be easy. But then how can you ever go back when you have committed to God? When He has flipped that proverbial light switch in your heart? Following Him is the single greatest cause in my life. Making Him famous in the dark places is exactly what I was created for. How can we as a family give less than everything?

    Well today two major things have happened. Rob was able to share his calling with a bank official high above him. She was not only thrilled, she asked to be added to our newsletter so they could support us! Then I got a message about the possibility of renting our home to a family we already know. Only yesterday Rob and I discussed the possibility as it seems unlikely the house will sell due to the failing market.

    So now I sit stunned and embarrassed to be "called out" by God for having put Him in a box. He created everything and my tiny mind wants to limit Him to my abilities. Shame on me for that! I will now watch in amazement and adoration as God unwraps His plan. In His timing.

    Thanks to my Savior for the reminder that only He can do these amazing things. Thanks to Him for the chance to be a little light for Him in the dark places. He alone is worthy of that!


    Friday, June 10, 2011

    What a phenomenal way to end VBS! Our original goal for the week long offering was $2,500. When we surpassed that goal on Thursday they set a new goal for $3,000. How amazing it was to hear the kids cheer when this total came up! Love to see little hearts realizing the importance of giving. One of the best things about the offering is part of the funds will be buying French Bibles for Brussels and the other part will be used at the after school program at Wherry Housing. Both are programs that I am involved in so I am extra excited about that!

    Another beautiful thing about this week was an opportunity to spell out God's plan of salvation in a new way. It was my first year as a Bible station leader so I got to do this, talk about emotions! It was presented as God loving us and providing a way for us to be in His family, forever! I loved the idea of family, it was simple and easy for the kids to understand. I am humbled by the chance to be used by the God who saved me to reach out to children that I love.

    What a wild, fun and amazing week. It may just be our last VBS in America and I am so happy that we all got to enjoy it and serve together as a family.

    God is good!

    Thursday, June 2, 2011

    This is our "baby" Chewie. He became very sick last weekend. Monday morning when Rob brought him to the vet we realized just how serious it was. His white blood cell count was almost non existent. He was dehydrated and unable to stand. In short he was dying and no one knew why. In my life I know of instances where God has stepped in and worked in a powerful way. At 18 I fell asleep and drove a car off the road. The car was totaled, I was fine. At 16 weeks fetus Ruthie was in trouble. There was bleeding and it appeared that my water had broke. She was delivered on her due date totally healthy. God is powerful.

    Back to Chewie, I can not over exaggerate the amount of prayer that went on in this household, or tears. To hear the tender prayers of a six year old who knows that God can save his puppy. It was heart wrenching and I'm not going to lie I was asking God to help me explain to him if Chewie didn't make it. How could I even doubt that God knew what would happen and He was in control. After two long nights at the vet, iv's and antibiotics and tests, the miracle happened. Our puppy started to recover as quickly as he got sick. The vet said we may never know what caused his illness or even what it was. I KNOW that this was an opportunity for my family to pray, to seek God and to build faith in the One that we have given our lives to. Tonight I am thanking God for His love and mercy.

    I would like to say to those of you who are unsure about your life, your worries, your problems. You can trust God to help you with it all. Now He wont answer all your prayers the way you want, trust me I have had disappointments. I know though that every prayer is answered and He is always in control. When it wasn't the answer I wanted He graciously came alongside and comforted me.

    This God that I serve is amazing. Someday I will have the honor or serving Him in a country that is growing in its darkness, until then I will serve Him right here in Smyrna, TN. The best news? He wants you to be a part of His plan too! Trust Him, it is more than worth the trade!

    Sunday, April 10, 2011

    5 Things Jesus Did to Convince Others He Was God

    1. Positioned Himself as a servant
    Matthew 20:28 "even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many"

    2. Jesus functioned as a Shepherd
    John 10:10-14"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. I am the good shepherd. the good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep."

    3. Jesus related as a friend
    John 15:5 "I am the vine and you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing"
    Lazarus "Jesus Wept" John 11:35 He wants us to see how he loves us

    4. Jesus attracted sinners
    Matthew 9:9-13 "As Jesus passed by there He saw a man called Matthew sitting at the tax booth, and He said to him, "Follow me". And he rose and followed Him.", "Those who are well have no need for a physician, but those who are sick. Go and learn what this means, I desire mercy, and not sacrifice. For I came not to call the righteous, but sinners."
    Jesus was comfortable with sinners and they were comfortable with Him. We must offer grace and mercy. Zacchaeus (Luke 19:10)

    5. Jesus spoke with authority
    Luke 4:31-32 "and they were astonished at His teaching for His word possessed authority"

    God has put us here to point people to Christ.
    How? Do what He did.
    Invest and Invite

    Sunday, April 3, 2011

    A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To Belgium

    In the past 23 months I've learned a lot about what it means to follow God. Besides a two year lesson in patience I've learned that God has quite the sense of humor! Case in point, the discovery that our California marriage license was never filed meaning legally we weren't married. Two 2 hour premarital classes and an April Fools Day Wedding later it's official. But the workings of God is in the details, we met some terrific people in th e classes and had the opportunity to share our journey with many people because of the great story a do over wedding makes! It also was a special thing to really understand the vows as we said them and to have a whole new set of friends and family celebrate the second time around.

    Becoming a part of His Story is an investment worthy of the time we have left here on earth. It seems only right to give to the One who has given us everything. So I am thankful tonight for His timing and His will. Watch out because the Laws are in it for the long haul and we are Belgium Bound!

    Monday, March 21, 2011

    Isn't it amazing how God's view is so much bigger than ours? We had this plan to go to Canada for spring break so that we could use the kids brand new passports. Our choices were Canada and Mexico and Canada far beat Mexico in safety. So here we are, north of the "border". Simple right? Turns out Canada is A LOT like Brussels. Big city very European feel. The kids have gotten a terrific lesson on how to move about in a big city. We've even heard French spoken around us and caught some pre-school aged cartoons au francais. I am amazed that we thought this would be a fun getaway and we have totally as a family had a lesson in being prepared for Belgium. What a God we serve! He never ceases to amaze me. How He loves and cares for us and never stops stretching our strengths and strengthening our weaknesses.

    We've had a terrific time here in Toronto. Been to the zoo, walked around the city, visited the world's largest underground shopping center, walked around the city, ate at neighborhood restaurants, and yes walked around the city. This has been one of our better family vacations as we have grown as a family and team. Oh and yes pushed each other's buttons but that's okay because that's what family does!

    Sunday, March 13, 2011

    The church should be passionate about the Glory of God.
    I heard this statement this morning at church and was really moved by it. If, as a church we were passionate about only God's Glory how would we live differently? Would we be concerned about the music, the seating, what that girl is wearing? I don't think so. We would be consumed with the poor, the broken hearted and the people who need His light. Because the more we shine His light the more people come to know and love Him. The more people who know and love Him the more Glory He receives. I want to be about the business of making His name famous. I want the people I know and love to know and love Him too.

    Another statement that stuck with me this morning...Jesus you are ALL to me. Do you know this Jesus?

    Do you want to? Have I got a story for you!

    Sunday, March 6, 2011

    Psalm 117:1 Praise the Lord, all nations! Extol him, all peoples! 2 For great is his steadfast love toward us, and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever. Praise the Lord!

    Praising Him today for the send off for our faithful friends Dan and Liz. LifePoint Church is sending out another family to shine God's love into a dark corner of the world that is needing the Hope that only Jesus brings. We are excited for The Christensen's but even more excited for the people of Belgium who will be touched and changed forever by the sacrifice they are making. We love you guys like crazy and look forward to the amazing things God is going to do through you.

    Bon Voyage!

    Monday, February 14, 2011

    Romans 4:17 We call Abraham “father” not because he got God’s attention by living like a saint, but because God made something out of Abraham when he was a nobody. Isn’t that what we’ve always read in Scripture, God saying to Abraham, “I set you up as father of many peoples”? Abraham was first named “father” and then became a father because he dared to trust God to do what only God could do: raise the dead to life, with a word make something out of nothing.

    Something. Out of nothing. That's what I'm wanting. God to speak something out of nothing. As of today the obstacles keeping us from Belgium (that we know of) are:
    -Sale of our house
    -Significant funding raised
    -Job in Brussels for Rob

    Any of these on their own seem BIG to me right now, like impossible big. We try our best to find answers to these problems. We lowered the asking price on the house today. Talk to anyone who will listen about the call to follow God and the partnering we need to get there. Rob is constantly searching for and applying for jobs in Brussels. Still nothing. As I battle that little voice in the back of my mind called discouragement I feel exhausted and frustrated. But today a corner turned. I asked my faithfully praying neighbor if she could spare a minute this week to prayer walk around the house and she of course said yes and asked me to go inside and write down Romans 4:17. She said pay close attention to the end of the verse. There it was, that nugget of truth, "because he dared to trust God to do what only God can do, raise the dead to life,with a word make something our of nothing". I know God answers prayers. I know God keeps His promises and I know that by His word this house will sell, funding will come,language will grow and Rob will have a job. I am boldly claiming that God is in control of our lives and this journey.

    Watch and see the things He will do. Pray with us. Rejoice with us as He works in and around us. Join us in worshiping this Creator who saved us and calls us to reach the lost for His glory!

    My days of discouragement and self pity are over. I am going to rest in the hope that I have.

    Wednesday, February 9, 2011

    Psalm 106:44 Still, when God saw the trouble they were in

    and heard their cries for help,

    45 He remembered his Covenant with them,
    and, immense with love, took them by the hand.

    46 He poured out his mercy on them
    while their captors looked on, amazed.

    47 Save us, God, our God!
    Gather us back out of exile
    So we can give thanks to your holy name
    and join in the glory when you are praised!

    48 Blessed be God, Israel’s God!
    Bless now, bless always!
    Oh! Let everyone say Amen!

    Sunday, February 6, 2011

    So tonight we hosted our second "Last Superbowl in the US". It's the second because in my rush to put God's plan on my timeline I forgot who was really in charge. Man I have got to stop doing that! Oh well it was a terrific night of fun and terrific food with our Belgium Family. This year we are one family short as the Goens are in Brussels. But we were up one baby as Cassi and Bryan brought home baby Jackson. What a great thing to celebrate the end of the football season with people we love!

    God continues to shine. We strive to let Him shine through us. Learning patience is a long process but I like that it makes me depend on God in my vulnerability. He is always faithful, always hears my prayers. Now that doesn't mean He answers them the way I want, but that's okay because I know He sees everything I can't.

    Another year, another SuperBowl. Glad the Packers won and Chico,CA has a hometown hero quarterback to celebrate tonight. Hoping that next year finds us celebrating this great American tradition with our new Belgian neighbors. Here's to the things to come...

    Tuesday, January 11, 2011

    After four days at home with my children mostly inside due to snowy cold conditions I have become addicted to this game. Feeding children and zombies has become my chore. I am struck by the ease at which I can spend an hour watching the animated dead wander aimlessly around my computer screen. Then I am struck by the sad similarity to people all around me. There are lost people wandering in and out of my life. Chasing this job, that toy the next big thing that will fill them up. When the only thing that can fill us up is Jesus. He is the only meaning in our otherwise dead lives. How much more do I now has the responsibility to shine for him. To reach the people that He has brought it my life for Him.

    On Thursday I will go back to school, my new addiction will become a passing hobby that I spend 10 minutes on and forget about for a day or two. But my call to be a light and witness, well that will go on, after all it's what I was made for. To bring glory to the King and my Creator!