"Be still and know that I am God" Psalm 46:10. A great verse, it calls us to be quiet, reflective, still. But it's the second part of that verse that really hits me..."I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth" Did you catch the "wills"? He is going to be exalted regardless of what we do. But He is inviting us to witness it. Be still and Know. It's like He's sitting us down looking into our eyes and saying "Pay attention! I don't want you to miss this!"
I must confess that much of this past year I have been in such a hurry trying to make everything work out that I haven't taken much time to be still. I don't believe in New Years resolutions but I am committing to spending more real quiet time with God. Reflecting on the amazing things He's doing and just how amazing He is. I don't want to miss out anymore on His greatness.
I am trusting that 2012 is going to be a year filled with the miracles that come only from knowing and seeking God.
Love this Cynthi! I am the same way. I have a hunger right now for the word. I want to spend more time with HIM. I have missed seeing you and I cannot wait to hug your neck. Love you all!